Homeless For A Weekend

Posted: November 4, 2010 by Anthony Rowell in craziness, homelessness, loving others, ministry

For the past year and a half I have been working with and leading a homeless outreach ministry out of Rock Church. Through this, I have had the opportunity to spend time with, minister to and get to know many of the homeless in our community.  It’s been a huge honor but also a very humbling experience for me.

Before this, I had always just sort of overlooked the homeless as most do.  I never minded helping them a little when I could, but never really went out of my way to really care. That seems to be the easiest thing to do. Because facing the reality of their lives demands action and response on our part.

Recently that has all changed for me.  When I see or meet a homeless person, I wonder if they have ever felt genuine love and if anyone else in the world really cares about them. I find myself being overtaken by compassion, love and mercy for those that most don’t even give a second thought about. To be honest, most of my thoughts throughout my days are consumed with these people that I used to think very little of.

This Friday morning I will embark on a 48 hour journey as one of them.  Putting myself in their shoes for a time, I’ll be homeless. Oddly enough, I am interested to see what it feels like to live life knowing you have no place to sleep, no money, no belongings except for what I can fit into a backpack, no way to get around….and in a sense, no identity in a huge world where one’s identity is everything. I want to see how they feel (as much as is possible for me) and how they are treated by society.

I am praying that God will use this opportunity to spark the fire of change in me and in my community.

Check back soon.  I’d love to share my journey with you.

  1. Heather says:

    One cannot know the life of another until you walk a mile (or a few) in their shoes. Most people do not care enough to understand people who are different from them in any way; especially those who they deem inferior due to their place in society. I admire you for being so dedicated to your ministry that you are willing to walk in the shoes of the homeless for two days. You will develop so much empathy for those you minister to. Good luck!

  2. randi :) says:

    very good. Love, time, attention — all things that every single of one of us need — all things that we all can choose to hold in or pour out — and all things that are ‘free’ to give. Yet we forget that and simply try to throw “things” at the less fortunate. In trying to save the world in huge spectacular ways — we ignore our neighbor. We need less rock star christians and more willing to do the ‘insignificant’ in obedience.

    “One of the great tragedies of the church is not that the rich don’t care about the poor… but that the rich don’t *know* the poor”

    blessings to you. my family & I spend time with those less fortunate than us as well here in wilmington — the need is great and workers are few. we need less macro-charity — and more microcharity (the coming alongside, walking with, loving on, individual – you are beautiful and loved – relationships) ——- but so few are willing.

    Thanks for being willing. 🙂

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